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In this pdf, I'll show an image, though not diagramed out, of how close the two modules can be, yet still communicate to one another.
However, it's been explained that when the modules are so close, this could damage them since they're meant to be great distance from each other.
So in that, follow the image at your own discretion.
I bought these modules via Amazon at Reyax modules $19.00
My pdf is located at my implementation of the Reyax modules
My configuration is that One lora device is connected to an ESP32 microcontroller with the c++ code included. Use either PlatformIO or Arduino IDE to burn the firmware onto the ESP32.
The sending Lora device should be connected to the ESP32 via the Serial communication and it will automattically send to the receiving Lora module that's connected to the computer via a serial connection.
Question is, how does the receiver listen despite not using the address and password?
Note: "manually inputting the values via Arduino IDE serial
connection" from the pdf.
meaning you'll have to input the values listed in the PDF in the Arduino IDE serial port, which is the only one (serial port) that apparently works - (in the pdf, I meant "without error"),
The connection values-:
note: cpin can be any password you want to make up.
with this setup, just push reset and the sending Lora connected to the ESP32 will quickly engage the receiver and get a random text message.
Hope this helps you on your LoRa adventures!!!