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It's getting to that time where I don't know whether to throw in the towel before DEC is upon me.
I'm new to full-time RVing and I'm fast running out of time to make a decision to blindly run southward as if to jump into the deep end of the pool and work it out.
I'm a 55-year-old male, who's used to being well-planned and cautious of the world around me.
I don't make too many moves before the play is well-thought out and having contingencies.
Such as knowing I've paid my storage facility for both possessions and a spot for the travel trailer in case I hunker down and sit the winter months out in a familiar city.
Yes, I'm paid up until April of next year.
I'm a remote worker, so I'm good on I can live wherever I want thus far.
Unless a job prevents me the freedom of movement.