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World Fest 2024 Louisville KY

Witnessed the different cultural arts and crafts in booths from nations from African and South American continents

Please view the images from 2024 WorldFest event in Downtown Louisville from August 30th through September 2nd at The Belvedere.

These images are a quick view of what could be bought at the festival in which most vendors have hand crafted their products.

worldfest entrance with rows of vendors and sellersworldfest entrance with rows of vendors and sellers
worldfest Fountain stage band playingworldfest Fountain stage band playing
worldfest goer takes in river from Belvedereworldfest goer takes in river from Belvedere
worldfest Overlook stage bandworldfest Overlook stage band
worldfest caps and hatsworldfest caps and hats
hand crafted bracelets and necklaceshand crafted bracelets and necklaces
worldfest Belevedere West Lawn stage  band against city landscapeworldfest Belevedere West Lawn stage band against city landscape
worldfest stand lemonadeworldfest stand lemonade
african figurines amessedafrican figurines amessed
chess set of African statueschess set of African statues
drills to dreams t-shirt selldrills to dreams t-shirt sell
worldfest middle viewworldfest middle view
worldfest goersworldfest goers
worldfest stages event scheduleworldfest stages event schedule
worldfest mapworldfest map